More summer fun photos. Here are some photos of Max and Ava playing in the sprinkler with Zoey. Max refused to run through the sprinkler until Zoey drug him through it. He doesn't like to get water in his eyes.
Ava didn't want to get water in her eyes either :)
Okay, so obviously these photos are kinda old. We're finally starting to get through all of our personal pictures from the past summer. So, here are some photos of Lia enjoying the baby pool.
We did baby sign language with all of our little ones. In fact, our good friend Dave was the first one to tell me about baby sign language way back when Max was a teeny baby. I'm going to dig around and see if I can find any old videos of Max and Ava doing sign. It's been such a great transitional communication tool for our family. Lia doesn't talk much, but she will do a few baby signs that at least give us a glimpse into what she's thinking. The signs she regularly does are: more, bite, drink, all done, and an occasion milk sign. Here are a few videos of her showing off her skills...
Sorry this one is vertical! I didn't know you couldn't rotate it :)