Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Honey!

There are so many reasons I love my husband... he makes me laugh, he's the best daddy ever, he loves to snuggle, he genuinely cares about other people, he takes the most amazing photographs of our children, he always lets me win when we fight, he lets me sleep in almost every morning, he goes down to get groceries from the fridge in garage when I'm too lazy or it's too cold, he lets me sleep with the good pillow, he watches chick flicks with me even though I won't watch guy movies, he gave me three beautiful wonderful crazy wild children, he laughs at my dumb jokes, he drives the jeep when it's out in the cold and lets me drive the warm van, he faithfully watches Lost with me every week even though I think he gave up on the show last season, he took care of EVERYTHING when I was sick and even though it was hard he did it because he loves me. I could probably name a thousand more reasons why I love him, but you get the picture :) Oh, and I think he's hot too!