Monday, March 16, 2009

Bathtime Success

So, having three little kids around this house, we tend to have lots of baths x3. I have decided it is impossible to give one kid a solo bath, because the others (well, not Lia) come running in taking their clothes off as they run as soon they hear the water running. So, all of our baths involve three little kids. With that being said, I've come realize that there is a lot of math involved in bathing 3 kids...

1 : The exact number of towels needed to clean up the water that mysteriously makes it's way out of the bathtub and onto the floor during bathtime.

2 : The average number of times poor baby Lia gets knocked over during each bath.

1+2 = 3 : The number of kids who almost always drink the bathwater plus the number of kids who probably don't drink the bathwater equals the number of kids who I have to watch so they don't drink the bathwater.

4 : The number of times I say, "Don't splash your sister!"

5: The number of times I say, "We don't drink the bathwater!" to which the offending kid (okay, it's Ava) replies, "Why?" to which I reply, "Because it's yucky!"

2 x 3 = 6 : The number of little bitty dirty feet that get washed during each bath.

7 : The number of times I say, "It's time to get out. Please pull the drain." before I give in and resort to, "Who wants a snack?!"