The kids had a good time at the dinosaur place, but they really just wanted to explore the gift shop and buy everything there :). We ended up getting these dinosaur heads on a stick that bite.... not my choice, but whatever. I wanted to get the dinosaur teepee, but Josh didn't think we could fit it in the minivan. So dinosaur biters are what we ended up with.

They eventually woke up and we all headed out. There were huge rock formations everywhere and plenty of smaller ones where climbing was allowed. The kids were in heaven. We spent a good hour and a half walking around climbing on all the different rocks.
This is Lia right before she fell asleep. I love the look on her face...
it's like she's saying, "where is my crib?!"
it's like she's saying, "where is my crib?!"

After Garden of the Gods, we headed to Seven Falls. The kids and I took the elevator up to the top and daddy decided to take the stairs... all 185 of them. After we looked for a couple minutes, we headed back down. Daddy wanted to climb the stairs on the other side (224 steps) and Max decided to go with him. Ava, Lia, and I just hung out and ate some dinner while we waited for them.

After Seven Falls, we were all pretty worn out, so we found a hotel and crashed. Of course, the one thing I asked when I called about the hotel is that we get one with internet. So of course, our room didn't have internet... whatever.
Things I learned on day 7 of our road trip:
1. I'm still upset about the balloon festival.
2. I could save $20 or so by skipping the paid portion of most tourist attractions and taking my kids just into the gift shop.
3. My kids will happily eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day and not complain about it.
4. You should ALWAYS check your takeout food order, even when you're the only one in the restaurant and the guy who rang you up checks your order. They messed up Josh's tacos and forgot to give us our free dessert :( The food was pretty good though.
Don't forget to check Josh's blog.