Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bye bye baby food

So if you have kids over the age of one, you know how this works. You see baby food on sale at Target. You load up the cart, and think to yourself, "Man, I am so amazing! I just saved like $15 on baby food and we have enough to last like forever!" And you slowly start using up all the baby food. Then one day, your beautiful, sweet little baby refuses to eat the baby food. Yes, the same baby food that you, with your amazing deal-seeking wisdom, purchased at 17 cents per jar less than regular price. So you try to trick her into eating. Look! Here's a bite of hot dog! Ooh! She has her mouth open now, and you shove a spoonful of 'turkey with rice' dinner in her face. Ah, but you failed to realize that her older brother and sister taught her the art of baby kung fu and now you have 'turkey with rice' all over your face. And the floor. And the table. And the ceiling. Okay, maybe not the ceiling... I exaggerated a little there. But I guess I can't really blame Lia for not wanting to chow down on Gerber spaghetti dinner when she's tasted real spaghetti that Papa made. And why would she want to eat a banana that went through a blender when she can have a real banana. They are much more fun to mush up anyway. So the moral of the story here is NEVER STOCK UP ON BABY FOOD. That's the perfect time for your baby to move on to big people food.

And, what would a blog post be without a few photos. Here are a few shots of Max and Ava feeding Lia, before she went on baby food strike :)