Friday, July 17, 2009

It's true... I'm a minivan mom

So I can remember pretty clearly how adament I've been that I would never be "one of those minivan moms." You know, I just wanted to be cooler than that... It was Josh who first put out the idea last summer that maybe, with baby number three on the way, it was time to make the leap. Even then, I was totally against the idea. But we can just get a cute little SUV, I said. As long as I wasn't sitting behind the wheel of what seemed like a giant bus, then surely that meant I wasn't too old to wear short shorts or paint my toenails pink or anything else that just seems weird when you're "too old". But, Josh won the battle (don't worry... it was a one time thing :) and we bought the minivan. I hate to admit it now, but I kind of like the minivan. Oops... did I say that out loud? I don't think Josh reads this blog anyway :). Oh but back to the minivan... it turns out that they aren't so lame after all... My kids think the automatic doors are the coolest thing since play-doh. And the seats fold right into the floor when they don't have kids in them (which is pretty rare). So I guess being a minivan mom isn't all that bad after all...

And here's a shot of Lia, just for good measure...