So, I'm convinced that every family has their own little made up words. If this is not true, please let me continue to believe it anyway so that I feel better about myself :). This story is about the evolution of the phrase, "Butt chickens". This phrase has become a staple around the Solar household. I believe that the phrase was first coined by Max, when he repeated something that Josh or I said incorrectly. The original statement went something like, "If you don't eat your dinner, I'm gonna give you a butt kickin!" And then Max said, "A butt chicken?" And thus a new Solarism was born.
The interesting thing about the phrase 'butt chicken' is that it has many uses. For example, it can be used as, "Who's a butt chicken? Ava's a butt chicken!" It can also be used as, "I'm gonna give you a butt chicken!" And I'm pretty certain that sooner or later, it will become an adjective as well, as in, "look at all these butt chicken toys!".
Here are a couple of shots of my three favorite butt chickens...