Friday, January 22, 2010

Lia & Potty Training

So a month or so ago, Lia started showing signs of being ready for potty training. She loves to watch Max and Ava go potty and she started pointing at her little butt when she had a poopy diaper. I told Josh that we would probably start potty training her when it gets warm enough for her to run around naked.

Well, apparently, she had other plans. I was chatting with a friend on the phone this morning and Lia disappeared for awhile. I figured she was playing in her room, but turns out she was in the bathroom. She had taken off all of her clothes and was putting toilet paper into the potty. I kept trying to put her clothes back on and she kept taking them back off.

So I figured, what the heck. I let her run around naked for awhile. Every fifteen minutes or so, I'd say, "Lia, do you want to go potty?" She'd shake her little bitty head yes and start running (and I mean butt wiggling, hands flying running) to the bathroom. She managed to put the potty seat on the toilet, climb up the step stool, and sit down. We did this all morning. At some point, I realized that she was probably going to pee on the floor soon, so I put some underwear on her.

But, she was accident free all morning, and right after lunch, she went back to see daddy in our bedroom and he put her up on the potty. And she went! Yay for Lia!! Boy was she mad when I put her diaper back on for nap :)

Now, I know she's super little, and I'm not really expecting her to potty train. But, I do have friends who have potty trained their little girls at this age. So, I figure if Lia wants to give it a try, I'll support her. I'm tired of buying diapers anyway :)