Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Orleans Road Trip - Day 8

We woke up this morning and opened the door to fog, overcast skies, and rain off and on. Josh was ready to throw in the towel and head home, but I thought we should at least see how the day shaped up. So we packed up and headed to the Fort Worth Stockyards.

We perused the cowboy shops and the candy store. Then at 11:30 am we headed over to the main street to watch the Texas Longhorn cattle drive. Max & Ava really liked the cattle drive; Lia was scared.

After that, we went into the Cattlepen Maze. You basically have to find your way around the maze and find all four letters M A Z E, then go to the exit. We did it in a record (ha!) time of 33 minutes. And when you finish you get a prize. Don't get too excited though... Lia got a bouncy ball and Max & Ava got spinning tops. But they liked their prizes :)

Literally within seconds of finishing the maze, it started pouring down rain on us. So we ran across the street an ducked into a Mexican restaurant for lunch. I tried to convince Josh that since we were in Texas, we should get some barbecue, but he said we wouldn't like it as much as Oklahoma Joe's.

After lunch, we got back on the road again. We spent most of the afternoon and evening driving, but we did stop at a sweet little park to play for awhile... gotta take advantage of 50 degree weather.

After dinner, we stopped at a Braum's ice cream place. If you know us Solars, you know we love our ice cream and no road trip would be complete without it.

Now we're at the hotel in Van Buren, Arkansas. Tomorrow we're going to do the airplane museum in Fayetteville and then we'll be headed home. I'm SO not looking forward to the cold weather again.

Josh's side of the story can be found here.

Things I learned today:

1. Never trust the weather forecast. We drove to Dallas hoping for a nice sunny day and woke up to a rainy, overcast day.

2. Because we did the stick-on mustache thing on our Colorado road trip, Josh thinks we can't do it again. Even though I found some sweet mustaches at the Stockyards.

3. Anytime we go somewhere or do something that charges admission and one of the kids is barely old enough to have to pay for them, I consider saying they are younger. But I never do. I'm afraid of the bad karma.

4. Anytime I push Ava on the swing, her mantra is "push me higher! Super high!" I'm convinced that 'super high' is impossible to reach. Believe me, I've tried.

5. Lia's enjoyment on the swings is multiplied when Max or Ava is swinging next to her.

6. Even if there's nothing cool to do, just being able to play outside makes it worth not being in Kansas City right now.

7. Ava is terrified of automatic flushing toilets. She literally jumped off the toilet after she was finished so it wouldn't flush while she was still sitting on it.

8. If you hold your hand over the sensor of an automatic flush toilet, it won't flush until you move your hand. SO, your kid can go potty without fear. But you will probably have to show them proof first.

Lia was SO excited to get her own ice cream cone. I was SO excited that they were 79 cents each.

She always has this look... always watching her back.
'Who's gonna try to take my ice cream cone?!'

Daddy got a strawberry shortcake sundae.