Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Orleans Road Trip - Day 7

Today was a driving day. We got up and on the road early, headed for the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We didn't find anything to do along the way, so in true Solar style, we pulled off an old dirt road for a mini portrait session.

That's really about all we did today, but we made it to Fort Worth this evening and tomorrow we'll be hitting up the Stockyards and possibly the Log Cabin Village and the Botanical Gardens. If you know of any other must-see places, leave me a comment!

Josh's side of the story is here.

Things I learned today:

1. Ava thinks we should get m&m's at every gas station that we stop at.

2. We really should have bought the rechargeable battery packs for the leapsters. I had to buy more batteries at a gas station and they were expensive!

3. We have sippy cups for a reason and that reason is because EVERY time Ava drinks from a water bottle, she gives herself a shower.

4. The mini Cootie and mini Don't Break the Ice games I got on clearance for $2 each at Target are amazing for entertaining the kids while waiting for dinner to be served at a restaurant.

5. It's SO worth $2 to wash a load of laundry when you're on a road trip. My kids just dirty up their clothes SO fast.

6. Lia doesn't care if she gets a snack at the gas station as long as she gets to get out of the car.

7. As soon as it gets dark, Max starts whining about when we're going to be at our hotel.

Watch out for Anakin!

Lia sure loves her blankie!

Anakin & Ahsoka in a heated battle!
Snuggle the baby!

Lia wanted to be a Star Wars guy too
I love that Lia is running after Max & Ava in this photo...
... and running away from them in this photo (and crying!)

Lia loves her George

Lia was double fisting it at dinner